how to find thin folds using the “NG” sound

In this video I’m going to show you how to find a lighter, brighter voice with thin folds.

Let’s start by defining what thin folds are...

Thin folds is what happens when you start to control how much of the vocal fold touches. By thinning out the sound, we take the bass out of your voice.

Not only will this lighten the voice, it will also make it MUCH easier to find a brighter resonance and higher pitch, if those are things you’re looking for.

Step 1: Use the NG sound as in "siNG"

Step 2: Make the NG sound in the highest, quietest voice you can.

Step 3: Take that high, thin NG sound and glide down to your speaking range, keeping it thin and small.

VOILA! You’ve found thin folds.

Some pitfalls to watch out for as you practice:
Because thin folds are easiest to access at higher pitches, it’s not uncommon for the folds to thicken up as you glide down.

FREQUENCY: I would recommend doing this exercise in 1min increments, 3-5x/day. It’s best to work your practice into a daily routine. Ex: while taking a shower, after brushing your teeth, while making breakfast, or driving to work!

Liked this video and want to go faster? There’s an ENTIRE COURSE on finding different degrees of thickness and thinness in the voice in Undead Voice Lab! Check out the course overview (hint* it’s in Colors of The Voice!)


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